Donating and Gifting

Reasons to Support the Konzerthaus

  • Balkenhol-Nashorn © Yogi Kaja
    Balkenhol-Nashorn © Yogi Kaja

Do you love music? Would you like to give something back to your city and society? Do this with a personal or company donation and for a specific purpose, as a regular donation or as a legacy donation: each contribution directly supports cultural life in Dortmund and the region. We offer numerous options for how your donation can be used. We will be glad to offer you tailored advice.

Donation Forms

  • Donations and Gifts for Specific Causes

    There are many reasons to donate to Konzerthaus Dortmund: instead of a material gift for a birthday or company anniversary, ask for a donation to the Konzerthaus. If a loved one passes away, you can also request a donation to Konzerthaus Dortmund instead of flowers. 
    After a specific period, we will inform you of the total donation amount and send donors a donation receipt for tax relief. 
    If you would like to give a donation, we issue a certificate that you can present to the person the gift is for.

  • Major Donations

    As a patron, you make magnificent projects possible and help to maintain the charisma of the house in the long term. This could take the form of commissioning compositions, engaging young musicians, developing our community music and education offers or the sustainable development of new concert formats. We are happy to advise you in a personal conversation about how your wishes and ideas can be matched to the needs of the Konzerthaus Dortmund and what we can use your donation for.

  • Legacy Donations

    Many people are concerned with leaving something lasting behind. With a legacy, you can shape the future and, in a lifetime, ensure that your own values and convictions really endure. With a bequest to the Konzerthaus, you enable us to reach and touch people with music over generations. As a charity, Konzerthaus Dortmund is not subject to inheritance tax.

  • Giving Circles

    Giving circles are where people come together to do something good as a group. In consultation with the Konzerthaus, large projects are supported with fund-raising. Donating is more fun and more carefully targeted when you exchange ideas and come together with others with a common interest in the giving circle. Are you interested in becoming a giving circle initiator for Konzerthaus Dortmund? Then get in touch with us.


  • Benefits of a Gift or Donation

    No German gift tax applies to gifts or donations to charitable institutions. Instead, you will receive a donation receipt for tax relief for every financial donation or gift. We personally thank you for your commitment and mention you, where possible, with a thank you in our venue media.

  • General Donations versus Donations for a Specific Purpose

    If you give us a general donation then you enable Konzerthaus Dortmund to decide what it is needed for. 
    If you would like to donate to a specific concert or project, then contact us first so that we can find the best way to do this together. Please do not transfer donations for specific purposes without checking with us first, as in some circumstances we are not able to fulfil your wishes. Thank you for your understanding!

  • Account Number

    Please use the following bank details to transfer your donation:
    Konzerthaus Dortmund GmbH 
    IBAN: DE64 4405 0199 0001 2345 60



A New Engine for Change for the Ruhr Region!

Konzerthaus Dortmund is a new engine for change in the region and is bringing its cultural treasures to light. Support this work with a donation.

Your Donation

This is how you can also get involved

  • Konzerthaus Dortmund Ambassadors
  • Friends of Konzerthaus Dortmund
  • Donating and Gifting
  • Voluntary Work