Community Music
for everyone
Community music is for everyone.
Everyone can make music.
We are connected through music.
Everyone is welcome.
We want to appeal to everyone.
That’s why we use plain language here.
There are many different offers:
Workshops for children, young people, adults and older people
We learn about and experience music
We come into contact, for example at neighbourhood meetings
Further training for people who want to work with community music
- Infos
You don’t have to be able to play an instrument.
You don’t have to be able to read music.
You don’t have to bring anything.
You don’t have to register.
All offers are free of charge. - What is Community Music?
Community music is music for everyone.
- You can reach us here
Phone: 0231 – 22 696 148
Or just drop by! - A Community Music Handbook
Download our Community Music Handbook.
News direkt ins Postfach
Mit unserem Community-Music-Newsletter halten wir euch über unsere Angebote auf dem Laufenden. Egal, ob ihr gerne singt, mit eurem Instrument in einer Gruppe mitspielen möchtet oder auf der Suche nach ganz neuen musikalischen Erfahrungen seid – wir haben bestimmt das Richtige für euch!
- Eileen Bornkessel
- Community Music und Education
- T +49 (231) 22 696 - 167
- E-Mail schreiben
- What is Community Music?
Community music follows the conviction that everyone is able to make and create music. Community music’s actions are determined to encourage and support people of all ages and parts of society to make music. It creates the possibility of individual forms of expression for artistic, social and cultural matters. It enables mutual negotiation and constructive togetherness when participants are confronted with contradictions and is therefore a way to learn about and embody democracy. In a shared creation process, the main aim is not musical excellence but to improve the quality of life of a community or individual and to use music for this.
Definitions of community music are varied and an open discussion of what we are in this setting and would like to be is important to us. With this introduction, we have only shown part of how community music is embodied in different cultures on different continents.
- What Does Community Music Do in Dortmund?
With all of our activities, we work from our location in the Brückviertel up to Nordstadt and further into the rest of the city. In addition to open activities that welcome everyone, we also work with institutions, primarily from Nordstadt area, over a longer period. We are interested in long-term relationships and react to the needs and desires of communities with our offering.
Ties to Konzerthaus activities are important to us and so we also bring along musical ideas, melodies and artists to our projects.
- When and How Can I Participate in Community Music Activities?
You can click through our activities and simply turn up at the next date. You can also call us and we can give you insights into the different projects. No prior musical knowledge is required to participate in our activities. All of the activities that we offer are free of charge.
- What Does Community Music Do in Dortmund?
We also offer a wide range of training sessions, both digital and in person, in which we go into methods and principles in more depth. Whether you are a musician, educator, teacher or social worker – everyone is welcome to try it out, learn and share experiences.
- What Does the Community Music Sector Look Like in Germany?
The field of community music was born in England and developed rapidly in the 60s. The approach is very new in Germany. Affiliating this type of department with a concert hall is unique in Germany so far. To further develop community music in Germany, we are building a network, developing partnerships and offering digital exchanges/training sessions.
Konzerthaus Dortmund GmbH
Brückstraße 21
44135 Dortmund
T 0231 – 22 696 0
T 0231 – 22 696 200
Mo bis Fr 10.00 bis 18.30 Uhr
Sa 11.00 bis 15.00 Uhr
Amtsgericht Dortmund, HRB 10345
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Raphael von Hoensbroech
Aufsichtsratsvorsitz: Barbara Brunsing
USt-IdNr.: DE153301398
Verantwortlich im Sinne des Presserechts: Dr. Raphael von Hoensbroech
Anne-Katrin Röhm (Leiterin Kommunikation, Marketing & Vertrieb)
Katharina Dröge, Judith Meyer, Stefan Laaß, Teresa Saxe
Kreation, Web-Design und Programmierung
giraffentoast design gmbh
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