School concerts on the Internet

Ohrenöffner with Ralph Caspers

These concerts are only available as a video on the internet:
They are for school groups.
Ralph Caspers introduces musicians in these concerts.
And their instruments.
Ralph Caspers is known from television.
For example, from the "Show with the Mouse".
During the concert, children can ask questions.
There is a page on the internet for this purpose.
Ralph Caspers can then see the questions.
And ask them directly to the musicians.

  • Information about the Ohrenöffner

    The video concert costs nothing. 
    You can watch it live. 
    This means: While it is being played.
    After the concert you can watch it for another 6 weeks.
    On our website.

    Teachers are provided with teaching materials to help their class prepare for the concert.

  • Please register

    Please let us know: Do you want the material for the classroom? 
    Call: 0231 – 22 696 163
    Or write an e-mail: 


    • Fri 31 January 2025
    • 11.30am

    Ohrenöffner mit Ralph Caspers

    Digitales Schul- und Familienkonzert mit Pianist Lukas Sternath

    Location Konzerthaus Dortmund

    • Tue 27 May 2025
    • 11.30am

    Ohrenöffner mit Ralph Caspers

    Digitales Schul- und Familienkonzert mit Blockflötistin Lucie Horsch

    Location Konzerthaus Dortmund


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