For 20 years, Konzerthaus Dortmund has stood for art at the highest level. In everything we do to present the best musicians in Dortmund, we act as ecologically sustainable as possible. Dealing responsibly with the resources of our earth is a matter close to our hearts as a company and is also becoming increasingly important to artists and visitors. That is why we expressly declare ecological sustainability to be a pillar of our value system, which decisively determines our actions.
We want to make the contribution that culture can make to environmental protection as large as possible and to steadily reduce our ecological footprint. To achieve this goal, we have already initiated and implemented many changes in recent years, thereby significantly reducing our CO2 emissions.
Climate balance
The Konzerthaus is a partner of the Aktionsnetzwerk Nachhaltigkeit in Kultur und Medien (Action Network Sustainability in Culture and Media) and has drawn up its first climate balance sheets as part of a pilot project of the network. In addition to energy consumption and waste generation, the mobility of the audience and artists was also considered. This data-based starting point puts us in a position to identify the most important levers for CO2 savings, develop measures from them, and measure their effectiveness.
Certification by »Ökoprofit«
As part of the »Ökoprofit« project sponsored by the Ministry of the Environment of North Rhine-Westphalia, the Konzerthaus Dortmund has undergone a consultation and final certification process aimed at reducing operational emissions, conserving natural resources, increasing eco-efficiency and raising awareness of the environment and sustainability.
Following the first green concert series in the 2022/23 season, the renewed support of the E.ON Foundation in the 2023/24 season made it possible to organise all concerts in March in a climate-neutral way. CO2 compensation was provided for any emissions caused, for example, by the musicians travelling. This measure thus framed the Green Culture Action Days Dortmund from 18 to 24 March and drew attention to the debate on sustainability in culture.
Core areas of our climate protection efforts
The determination of our ecological footprint in recent years has shown in which areas of concert operations we can leverage the greatest savings potential for energy and emissions.
The travel of musicians, audiences and employees of the Konzerthaus Dortmund plays a central role in our climate balance, as the greenhouse gases caused by it account for almost half of all emissions. For this reason, we pay special attention to this area. With the VRR-KombiTicket, we have already created a free and climate-friendly option for our audience to travel to and from the concert. And environmentally friendly travel options now play an important role in concert planning.
Increasing awareness among those responsible at agencies and orchestras has already led to a significant reduction in emissions caused by artists’ travel between the 2018/19 and 2021/22 seasons. In particular, increased use of rail and fewer flights have significantly improved the carbon footprint at this point.
The Konzerthaus supports CO2-neutral travel for visitors by providing assistance and promoting sustainable and alternative travel options. The introduction of the VRR-KombiTicket was an important step in this direction.
International artists and ensembles are and will remain an integral part of the concert program. When selecting artists and ensembles, the factors of travel and CO2 emissions are not ignored, but are deliberately addressed. The Konzerthaus places and addresses sustainable touring of artists and ensembles within the planning process as well as in targeted networks.
In order to encourage Konzerthaus employees to adopt climate-friendly mobility, the Konzerthaus Dortmund contributes to the costs of the »Deutschland-Ticket« and offers the option of leasing a »job bike«. In addition, two cargo bikes were purchased, which serve the Community Music Department in particular as a city-suitable alternative to the Konzerthaus van for transporting instruments and materials to workshops.
Technical infrastructure
In the area of building and air-conditioning technology, it is important to always keep an eye on the most environmentally friendly materials and processes. This has already been taken to heart in the past with the switch to green electricity, optimized heating and lighting times, and the digitalization of important processes.
The most weighty contribution to the energy supply of the Konzerthaus Dortmund (8,550 kg) is made by a second-life photovoltaic system, which was installed in the summer of 2023 after a general overhaul at the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute in Goslar. In the spirit of sustainability, the battery modules are also being given a second chance at the Konzerthaus: the practically new B-grade cells were discarded by car manufacturers due to small external »blemishes« and would otherwise have been destroyed again. With a projected output of 90,000 kWh per year, the system covers about 10 per cent of the Konzerthaus Dortmund's electricity needs and helps to cushion consumption peaks via the battery storage units. This, in turn, brings both financial and ecological savings because the energy supplier has to keep less energy on standby.
The gradual conversion to LED lighting throughout the concert hall has been underway for several years. In conjunction with optimized lighting times and motion-controlled switching, the energy consumption for lighting the house is being significantly reduced.
Cooling the concert hall accounts for 23 percent of electricity consumption and thus eight percent of the building’s CO2 emissions. For this reason, numerous optimizations have already been implemented in the area of heating and ventilation control:
Reduction of the amount of air that needs to be heated or cooled, depending on audience numbers
At the Konzerthaus, we are also working toward a paperless office. Many processes have already been digitized in recent years and further possibilities are to be exploited step by step. The administration of the Konzerthaus makes use of all digital possibilities and measures in order to work increasingly paperless and obtains sustainably produced or used equipment as far as possible.
In the area of customer communication, we also rely on a broad digital offering, but do not forego high-quality print products such as our season book or program booklets for concerts. When selecting our print shop partners, however, we pay explicit attention to the use of resource-saving printing processes and prefer print shops that are certified with the »Blue Angel«.
Sustainability begins in small things, and so we have also looked at the ecological optimization of processes that may seem marginal at first glance, but in the aggregate can have a big effect.
Water dispensers have been purchased for both employees and artists. These are connected to the water pipes and always provide fresh water (still or sparkling). This saves the purchase and transport of countless crates of water.
Improved waste separation facilities in the offices and backstage area of the concert hall encourage everyone to avoid waste or dispose of it correctly.
It is a fine tradition to thank musicians with a bouquet of flowers after a concert. We also greatly appreciate this gesture at the Konzerthaus Dortmund. But for »Green Culture Week«, which is taking place in Dortmund for the third time from 21 to 29 March 2025, we would like to take a sustainable approach: at ten concerts between 13 and 30 March, we are replacing the classic bouquet of flowers with something that takes root – a small fruit tree. As it is not exactly handy on tour, we will donate it to social organisations, educational institutions or charitable associations in Dortmund in consultation with the artists instead. In this way, a gesture of appreciation becomes a gift for the future.
Do you have space in your institution for an apple tree (organic, old variety)? Then please contact us at until 1 March 2025 and let us know which organisation you would like to plant a tree for. The selected institutions will receive their tree in April – including a planting package with pot, tree stake and coconut rope.
Let’s combine music and sustainability together – with trees that will continue to grow long after the last round of applause! 🌱🎶
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