Supporter Foundations

Set the Scene with Foundation Funds

  • © Petra Coddington
    © Petra Coddington
  • © Roland Baege
    © Roland Baege
  • © Petra Coddington
    © Petra Coddington
  • © Julia Unkel
    © Julia Unkel

Re-thinking concerts, leaving old paths behind, daring to conduct experimental projects and taking risks – these are projects that we welcome for supporter foundations. The Dortmund dramaturgy that makes the Konzerthaus so unique can only exist with foundations that specifically support this courage and thirst for innovation. They give musicians and schedulers the financial freedom to experiment and to sound out new artistic approaches and experiments.

Konzerthaus Dortmund is a reliable partner when it comes to putting on concerts at the highest artistic level in innovative concert formats and constantly re-imagining programmes. Konzerthaus Dortmund specifically works together with supporter foundations for the “Neuland” and “Perlentaucher” series and as part of “Zeitinsel” events, which offer time to reflect and which are very costly to curate. The hall also works together with supporter foundations in the area of community music, which provides a music offering for everyone, for free.

Our Partner Foundation


Wilo Foundation

»In times of uncertainty and upheaval, music gives strength and stability, has a calming and comforting effect and can reach all people. For me, more music means more peace and reconciliation and is therefore a necessity for our society.«

Oliver Hermes (Chairman of the Board and CEO of Wilo Group)

Our Supporter Foundations

  • Kunststiftung NRW
  • Beisheim Stiftung
  • Deutsche Bank Stiftung
  • Gelsenwasser-Stiftung
  • Reinoldigilde zu Dortmund
  • Kulturstiftung Dortmund
  • E.ON-Stiftung
  • Werner Richard - Dr. Carl Dörken Stiftung
  • Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft
  • Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung 
René Scheer © Julia Unkel

»Music as a cultural form of expression is an indispensable dimension of human life. It binds people and it is a universal language, without which human and creative society would be unthinkable. In Konzerthaus Dortmund, music is made in different forms of expression. The venue is therefore one of the most important focal points in Dortmund’s varied cultural landscape. It attracts worldwide attention to the city and has enabled it to develop an excellent reputation internationally. It was and is therefore important for Kulturstiftung Dortmund to back the Konzerthaus and to financially support it to the best of its ability.«

René Scheer (Chairman of the Board of Kulturstiftung Dortmund)



A New Engine for Change for the Ruhr Region!

Konzerthaus Dortmund is a new engine for change in the region and is bringing its cultural treasures to light. Support this work with a donation.

Your Donation

This is how you can also get involved

  • Sponsoring
  • Förderstiftungen
  • Vermietung
  • Spenden