Community Music
for Adults
Community music is for everyone.
Everyone can make music.
We are connected through music.
Everyone is welcome.
We want to appeal to everyone.
That's why we use plain language here.
The Konzerthaus Dortmund is the first concert hall in Germany with a community music department.
We have 4 employees dedicated to this area.
They are responsible for community music at the concert hall.
That's why we have a lot of experience and knowledge about community music.
We want to pass this knowledge on.
That’s why we offer
- Further training
- Practical tips for working with groups
- Lectures
- Infos
You don’t have to be able to play an instrument.
You don’t have to be able to read music.
You don’t have to bring anything.
You don’t have to register.
All offers are free of charge. - What is Community Music?
Community music is music for everyone.
- You can reach us here
Phone: 0231 – 22 696 148
Or just drop by!
News direkt ins Postfach
Mit unserem Community-Music-Newsletter halten wir euch über unsere Angebote auf dem Laufenden. Egal, ob ihr gerne singt, mit eurem Instrument in einer Gruppe mitspielen möchtet oder auf der Suche nach ganz neuen musikalischen Erfahrungen seid – wir haben bestimmt das Richtige für euch!