Friends of Konzerthaus Dortmund
»Club der Kenner«
The “Club der Kennerinnen und Kenner”, or connoisseur club, the face of our enthusiastic audiences and a central part of the Konzerthaus – this group is our Friends. With musical enthusiasm, openness and curiosity, the club inspires the work of Konzerthaus Dortmund and helps us to keep the hall shining. If you are already convinced by our programme and the artists appearing at the hall, then as a member of the Friends, you can ensure that we stay at the top of our game and are always able to discover new sounds.
Your Benefits

Message from Chairwoman Ceren Kaya
Konzerthaus Dortmund is not only a place I learned to love, due to its great music, during my time there as a placement student in the foyer team but also a meeting place for different people to come together: a home for music lovers in a city rich in culture and diversity. As chairwomen of the Friends, I can play my part in shaping the future of the Konzerthaus. Nothing is more important than love of and passion for music in this. Because of this, I am supporting the Friends to reach people who share this passion for music.

25 Years Friends of Konzerthaus Dortmund
In October 1999, 10 craftsmen and women came together to form the »Förderkreis des Handwerks« to support the construction of a concert hall in Dortmund. Since then, the now 700 or so members of the Circle of Friends have been firm companions and support the Konzerthaus in financing works of art, instruments or stage inventory and, of course, concerts. The Friends are the face of our enthusiastic audience.
Our Members
In guter Gesellschaft – Unsere Mitglieder
Dr Alexander Achim, Angela Adam, Adler Apotheke Witten-Annen, Edith Advent, Rosemarie Ahrens, August Alborn GmbH & Co KG, Simon Allroggen, Joachim Andrös Unternehmer Berater, Dr Johann Ante, Dr Hans-Wolfgang Arauner, Tobias Arnst, ased Ambulanter Pflegedienst, Alain and Brigitta Assaf, Jan Philipp Attendorn, Marc Attendorn
Christine Baer, Carla Maria Bangert, Jens Barthold and Dorothee Schultz, Waltraud Bartusch, Dr Detlef and Rosemarie Baukenkrodt, Claudia Baumeister, Dr Rüdiger Bäumer, Susanne Becker and Ute Sternschulte, Johanna and Martin Bender, Susanne and Jan Berchner, Brigitte and Wilhelm Berends, Lars Peter Berends, Marlies Beul, Dr Andreas Birkendorf, Anne and Wolfram Bisplinghoff, Sophia Boettcher-Willig, Dr Rainer Bohn, Ingeborg and Prof Dr Hans Bohrmann, Elisabeth Böker, Ingeborg and Eberhard Borghoff, Annegret and Martina Borgstedt, Alexandra Bourrat, Elisabeth Brand, Horst-Andreas Brandmeier, Klaudia Braun, Eberhard and Ursula Breitenfeldt, Nadja Brize, Claus Broeker, Bernd Broer, Andreas Buhr, Oliver Burov, Werner Buschert
Eva-Maria Cass-Eißing, Kristina and Christian Chammings, Annette and Dr Niels Christensen, Levin Christoph, Margarete and Wolfgang Chrosch, Containerdienst Tiemann
Ursula Damberg, Beate Dannbeck, Jörg Dannenberg, Dr Christina Darsow, Ilona Dasbeck, Maike Decker, Tristan Deutschmann, Adelheid and Arno Dickel, Dortmunder Volksbank
Tom Ebener, Simona and Michael Ecker, Mariele Ehmanns, Elektra Brinkmann GmbH, Michael Ernst
Dr Jan Fabianowski, Dr Stefanie and Dr Thomas Fadgyas, Peter Farrow, Dr Frank Feldmeyer, Ingrid Fellmann, Gabriele Fendel and Dr Ansgar Fendel, Tanja Ferreira, Knut Fessen, Dr Caroline Fichtner, Dr Vera Fiedler, Margarethe Filipponi, Ute Fink, Johanna Finnemann, Christiane Flor-Lülling, Doris and Dr Harald Fock, Matthias Frank, Jörg Franke, Andreas Freitag and Dr Thomas Dietrich, Jürgen Fuchs
Monika Gabski, Gardinenservice Hoer, Heinrich Dieter Gausemeier, Herbert Gebker, Carolin Gedicke, Achim Geller, Andre Geller, Gerber Architekten, Christian Gerhold, Gabriele Gerritsen, Barbara Gilberg and Dr Gerd Pickl-Gilberg, Wolfgang Glander, Annegret Gödecke, Dörte and Dr Tilman Godejohann, Dagmar Goetzendorff, Dr Klaus and Rosi Gottschalk-Leistner, David Graf, Elke Grasenick, Gudrun and Werner Grasmann, Thomas Grasmann, Elke Grevel, Gerhard Gröschel Expert Office, Rudolf Große-Sudhues, Dr. Sigrid Grosser, Rudolf Grotefels, Petra and Ingo Grübner, Susanne Güntermann
Timm and Nadine Haase, Dr Michael Hager, Christine Hoffmann-Hamelbeck and Christoph Hamelbeck, Handwerksbau AG, Dortmund Chamber of Crafts, Sigrid Hanebutt and Frank Brückmann, Eva-Maria and Wilfried Hanke, Francis Hankel, Karl Hartmann, Ursula Hasse, Falk Fabian Hausmann, Elisabeth and Heinz Heiart, Eva Heilemann and Jochen Stripp, Dr Iris Heismann and Ingo Rütz, Gesa and Torsten Heldt, Herbert Heldt KG, Ursula and Roland Hemming, Lothar Henrich and Klaus Wolf-Henrich, Günter and Renate Henz, Kornelia Henze, Fabian Herberholt, Liselotte Herwig, Peter and Christiane Herzog, Helga Heumann, Gabriele and Albert Hilkenbach, Henrik Himpe, Ursula and Manfred Hissung, Michael Hölling, Elisabeth and Bernd Hoffmann, Thomas and Gabriele Hoffmann, Dermatology Practice Dr Matthias Hoffmann, Patrick Höfges, Thomas Höfges, Monika Holtmann, Anke Honigmann, Dr Thomas and Ulrike Horacek, Annegret Höttcke, Silke and Karsten Hueck, Cäcilia and Günter Hüggenberg, Hülsmann Bau GmbH, Mechtild and Reinhard Hüning, Ilse and Klaus-Peter Hunold
Heike and Gerolf Jacobi, Dr Peter and Margit Jacobs, Dr Gottfried Janning, Indra Janorschke and Darius Wegberg, Ferdinand Jansen, Sonja Sara and Johannes Jansen, Stefan Jansen, Thomas Jesse, Dr Ulrike Jilli, Margret Jödicke, John GmbH Treppenbau, Doris Johnson, Annette and Hubert Jung, Annerose and Ewald Jungkurth, Klaus-Peter Jungmann
Inge Katz, Annette Kaufmann, Heide Kaufmann, Ceren Kaya, Prof Dr Klaus Keller, Reinhold Kipscholl, Dr Wilhelm Kirchhoff, Christopher and Nils Kirchhoff, Prof Dr Stefan Kirmße, Thomas Kirmse, Anne Kirstein-Wagner, Bernhard Kirsten, Sanda and Dr Nikolas Kisch, Elena Klaas, Susanne Klamor, Elke Kleimann, Christoph Klein, Sieglinde Kleinehakenkamp, Hildegard Klingberg, Piet Klingelhöfer, Dr Markus Klotz, Dr Walter and Jutta Klüsener, Maria Knipping, Anne Koch, Ulrich Koch, Thorsten Kock and Arne Pahling, Eliska and Klaus Köhler, Jasper Köhler, Ursula Kohlschein, Uwe Kolter, Marianne and Heinrich Jürgen König, Petra Körver, Verena and Thomas Koschlig, Sabine and Klaus Kossowski, Winhard Köster, Brigitte Krämer, Gudula and Friedrich Wilhelm Kraus, Petra Krause-Özkan, Doris and Rolf Krede, Lina Krede, Marie-Luise Kros, Jutta Kruse, Beate Meyer-Kuczera and Stefan Kuczera, Martin and Angela Kühle, Karol Kuhn, Erika Kühner, Kirstin and Ralf Kuhnert
Klaus Langer and Christiane Giesen, Ludger Laufmöller, Sara and Dr Rainer Lemke, Reinhard Lerch, Britta Lincke and Alexander Eising, Dr Margret and Dr Thomas Linden, Barbara Kettler-Lippemeier and Thomas Lippemeier, Andrea and Michael Lipphardt, Hartmut Loerch and Janine Gerland, Ralf Lohrmann, Karin Löring, Renate Lückemeier, Prof Dr Erich Lugscheider
Magdalena Sophia Markmann, Annetraud and Peter Martenka, Heike Maschner, Dorit Mechow, Medizintechnik Heise GmbH, Dirk Meersmann, Christian Meier, Eleonore Mentler, Prof Dr Joachim Merchel, Martin Merkel, Metallbau Beine e. K., Inga and Heike Mews, Barbara and Hans-Dieter Michalski, Frederike Mikkin, Hela Mikkin, Barbara and Lothar Mischnat, Ursula and Dr Josef Moormann, Bärbel and Peter Mühlmann, Alla Müller, Benedikt Müller, Stefanie and Dr Jochen B. Müller, Thomas Müller, Wolfgang Müller, Hendrik Muntinga, Angela and Jörg Murschez, Gabriele Mutzenbach
Beate Nagel, Barbara and Volker Neuhoff, Heike and Carsten Neumann, Tamara Neumann, Ute Neumann and Saskia Zimmer, Dr Helga Neumeyer, Petra Niggemeier, Ursel Niggemeier, Andreas Nitz, Dr Udo and Rotraud Nölle, Elisabeth Nottelmann
Sabine and Gerd Obermeit, Dr Jürgen Oles, Wolfgang Olschewski, Axel Opava, Dr Jochen and Renate Opländer, Orthopädie Werne-Zentrum, Dorothea Ossenberg-Engels, Rudolf Ossenbrügger, Martin Ossowski, Renate and José Otero Gallardo, Christel and Herbert Otten
Heinz-Michael Pahlke, Christoph and Maria Palmert, Bernd Panek and Silke Plesken, Edeltraud and Wilhelm Pape, Dr Thomas Parent, Bärbel und Gerd Pelzer, Rüdiger Pelzer, Dr Andrea and Dr Norbert Peters, Monika Peters, Dr Andreas Pier, Gisela and Torsten Profft, Christel Prophet, Frank Przibylla
Dr Tilman Rabanus, Dr Theresa Rasch-Nawrath and Dr Ingo Rasch, Reiner Raschke and Christa Honsel-Weber, Charlotte and Günter Reddig, Sigrid and Eckhard Reichhardt, Jens Reinecke, Thomas Remmert, Dr Christina and Dr Fritz Rensmann, Susanne Requardt, Monika Breidenbach-Resler and Peter Resler, Annette and Ralf Retinski, Olaf Rettig, Margrit and Dr Hans-Dieter Richter, Hildegard Rienhoff-Wesemann, Dagmar Rocholl, Lukas Rode, Ulrike and Günter Röder, Eva and Prof Dr Stefan Rohde, Ilse and Prof Dr Hans J. Röhm, Anne-Dore and Rüdiger Roos, Sebastian Rose, Dr Peter Rösler, Gudrun Rüding
Sabine Sackel, Berit and Ulrich Sallen, Christopher Sanders, Anke Schickentanz-Dey and Eva Militsch, Practice for integrative physiotherapy Dr John Schieffelers, Wolfgang Schilken, Annegret and Klaus-Dieter Schimkat, Dorothea Schirmer, Dagmar Schirrmacher, Kirsten Schirrmacher, Gisela and Ulrich Schlemmer, Sieglinde Schlickmann, Dr Hans-Joachim Schmallenbach, Hans-Erhard Schmidt, Karin Schmidt, Lieselotte Schmidt and Dr Corinna Gorges, Torsten Schmidt, Helga and Dr Wolfgang Schmitt, Ana and Ludolf Schmitz, Peter Schöler, Cerstin Scholz, Hans Schönenberg, Dr Walter Schraub and Johannes Wolff, Georg Schröder Schreinerei und Holzbau GmbH, Christa and Klaus Schülke, Anke Schulte, Fabian Schulte, Philipp Schulte, Veronika Schulte, Helene Schulte-Bories, Dirk Schulte-Brauks, Marlene Munk and Ralf-Michael Schulz, Dorothee Schultz and Jens Barthold, Beate and Christof Schumann, Timm Xander Schuster, Paul Schütte, Anke Schwarz, Christiane and Manfred W. Schwarz, Prof Dr Thomas Schwenzer, Anneliese Seebacher, Jan Seefeldt, Seitenplan GmbH, Dirk Sellschopp, Jonas Sewing, Dieter Seyer and Dr Gabriele Wand-Seyer, Christa-Maria Siebürger, Eva Späth, Jutta Spiess, Heiko Stabel, Thomas Stächelin, Steden Logistik GmbH, Hermann Steiner, Dr Werner Steinert and Jutta Braß, Christel Stengel, Brigitte and Dennis Stewart, Annette and Dr Klaus Stinshoff, Margret and Gerhard Stranz, Practice Dr med. Stefan Streitz, Lutz Sulimma, Joachim Susewind
Heidgard Taeger, Joachim Teubel, Brigitte Teuber, Christel Thamm, Dr Karin Guizetti-Thiele and Hansjürgen Thiele, Marc Thölen, Ulrike Thom, Wolfgang Thönes, Tierärztliche Praxis für Kleintiere Scharnhorst GmbH, Waltraud Tillmann-Gehrke, Dr Ina Tilse, Jorid Töpffer, Ralf Töpritz and Dirk Reichenbach, Ilse and Geoff Tranter, Gisela Trappe, Luise Treptow, Christiane Trotter, Elisabeth and Heinrich Truß, Ernst Tümmler
Manfred Ullrich, Dietmar Urbaniak
Peter Vaerst, Emma van der Smagt, Golo van der Smagt, Henry Jesper Bruno van der Smagt, Inga and Wolfgang Veit, Dr Ulrich Vendramini, Hendrik Vial, Meta Voigt, Maren and Christian Volmer, Melanie and Rainer Vorpeil, Karin Voss
Walter Viet Stahl- and Metallbau GmbH, Ursula and Günter Wattenberg, Susanne and Günther Weber, Manfred Wedding, Monika Wederhake, Dr Christoph Wegener, Martin and Marie Wehleit, Waltraud Weidauer, Peter Weinrich and Ursula Neumann, Ingrid Weiß, Simone Weiß, Beate and Peter Weitner, Daniel Werner, Luzie Wille, Matthias Wilms, Miranda Wilson, Sofie Winkhaus, Margit and Dr. Elmar Winters-Ohle, Matthias Wolf, Wiebke Wolf, Erwin Wolfermann, Ernst Wölke, Volker Wulff, Waltraud Wyborski
Membership Application
To join the Friends, complete the application form and send it to us by e-mail or post.
How Can I Become a Friend of Konzerthaus Dortmund?
You can request membership via the membership application. Afterwards, you will receive a confirmation and can use the membership benefits immediately.
Membership Types
You can become a Friend as an individual or as a company. Supporting and sponsor memberships are open to individuals and companies.
- Free U27 membership (up to 27 years)
- 1-person membership 75 euros
- 2-person membership 110 euros
- Company membership 180 euros
- Supporting membership 345 euros
- Sponsor membership 750 euros
Of course, a voluntary increase in the amount is also possible at any time and is greatly appreciated. A donation receipt for tax relief can be issued membership fees.
Friends Bank Details
Account holder: Freunde des KONZERTHAUS DORTMUND e. V.
IBAN DE92 4416 0014 2513 3336 00
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Board of the Friends
Ceren Kaya (Consultant, MHP Management- und IT-Beratung GmbH)
Deputy Chairman
Christian Sprenger (Chair of the District Trades and Crafts Association, Managing Director of Walter Viet Stahl- und Metallbau GmbH)
Henrik Himpe (Deputy Head of Dortmund Chamber of Trades and Crafts)
Claudia Baumeister (Regional Managing Director of IKK Classic)
Associate Member
Rudolf Große-Sudhues
Associate Member
Thomas Kirmse (Dortmund Market Area Leader, Dortmunder Volksbank)
Associate Member
Berthold Schröder (President of Dortmund Chamber of Trades and Crafts, Managing Director of Georg Schröder Schreinerei und Holzbau GmbH)
Associate Member
Joachim Susewind (Deputy Managing Director of Dortmund Hagen Lünen District Trades and Crafts Association)
Associate Member
Klaus Y. Tillmann
- Sarah Mohren
- Development
- T 0231 – 22 696 183
- E-Mail schreiben
- Dr. Harriet Oelers
- Development
- T 0231 – 22 696 182
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A New Engine for Change for the Ruhr Region!
Konzerthaus Dortmund is a new engine for change in the region and is bringing its cultural treasures to light. Support this work with a donation.